The Tabor Boy Project

James E. Geil
  • Male
  • Marion, MA
  • United States
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James E. Geil's Friends

  • Luke Saletta
  • Cecelia Clemente
  • Adelle Smith
  • Eric R Mino
  • John W. Briggs
  • Ross Vaitses
  • Robert Clarkson
  • david Griffin
  • patrick mahoney
  • John Crocker
  • Jason Bland
  • Jared Gorden
  • Madeline Chapin
  • Cam Brien

James E. Geil's Discussions

Photos for Book
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by William Rose Aug 24, 2021.

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James Hutton commented on James E. Geil's photo

Book Cover

"I'm looking forward to reading this!"
Feb 6, 2023
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Feb 6, 2023
James E. Geil is now friends with John W. Briggs, Adelle Smith, Cecelia Clemente and Luke Saletta more
Jan 14, 2023
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Jan 14, 2023
William Rose replied to James E. Geil's discussion Photos for Book
"John, The photo of you is great! Bill Rose"
Aug 24, 2021
John W. Briggs replied to James E. Geil's discussion Photos for Book
"Hi James! Is it too late to help with photos?  I was with you on Tabor Boy in 1977, including the stormy cruise to Bermuda that summer.  I consider myself profoundly lucky to have experienced Tabor Boy.  (It's essentially…"
Aug 23, 2021
James E. Geil shared their discussion on Facebook
Apr 12, 2021
James E. Geil posted a discussion

Photos for Book

Hi Tabor Boy alums!I hope all of you are doing well.  I have completed the manuscript for a book about my years on Tabor Boy.  Its title is Sailing a North Sea Pilot Schooner.  The editing process by Newman Spring Publishing will be done soon, after which it goes to type setting.I have been gathering photos to support the narrative and have selected several from The Tabor Boy Project.  Two questions:1.  Is it okay to use them in the book?  All will be properly credited.2.  Does anyone have a…See More
Apr 12, 2021

Profile Information

When did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
1985 to 2020
How many years did you sail aboard Tabor Boy?
Were you a member of the Schooner Crew?
Were you an Officer?
If yes, please provide position (s) and years(s)
Mate 1985 - 1986
Master 1987 - 2020
Did you make any extended voyages? (i.e. Caribbean, Bermuda, etc.)
Caribbean, Bermuda, Maine, Other
If "Other", please advise.
Panama Canal, Bay of Panama
Did you participate in "Orientation at Sea" program for new students?
Tabor graduation year:
College attended and year graduated:
FIT 1980, URI 1997
Do you currently work in the maritime field?
Current Occupation:
Faculty Tabor Academy, Master Tabor Boy
Last time you sailed on Tabor Boy?
November 2020
Do you own currently own a boat?
Favorite Tabor Boy moment
Too many to recount.
Sailing a North Sea pilot schooner for the past 22 years, restoring the vessel and bringing her into compliance with USCG Sailing School Vessel Regulations.
Working with student crews aboard the vessel.
Many great adventures aboard the schooner.
Being a part of Tabor Academy.

James E. Geil's Photos

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James E. Geil's Blog

The Newest Tabor Boy Executive Officer

It is my pleasure to announce that Spencer Ash ('10) has been appointed as Executive Officer of the Tabor Boy for the 2009-2010 school year. Spencer succeeds Wilder Hastings ('09) in this important and unique student leadership position and joins a long and prestigious line of Tabor Boy XOs.

Spencer's duties as XO will begin next month when the Tabor Boy heads to Maine for the Orientation at Sea Program. This will be Spencer's second summer working aboard the vessel. His… Continue

Posted on May 28, 2009 at 11:21am — 2 Comments

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At 1:53am on October 21, 2011, J C Rathborne said…


Liz had her 25th in June and said the schooner looked great! Hard to imagine without me there, as I was trained by the world's number one perfectionist, one Captain James E. Geil. But seems everything is going well. I'm glad to hear it. She'll eat you for lunch if you look away for a second (the schooner, not Liz...well, actually, I don't suggest messing with her either), but I do miss her. Hope all is well. JCR

At 12:27pm on September 26, 2008, Peter A. Mello said…
Hi Jim;
Thanks for posting the update re the COI and thanks for all the hard work in keeping the schooner (and her crew) in ship shape!
At 6:39pm on April 7, 2008, James E. Geil said…
Hi Dan!

Great hearing from you - it has been a long time.

The Tabor Boy just returned from another winter voyage to the Virgin Islands. We had a total of ninety students aboard during six, ten-day cruises in the islands, and then the schooner crew flew down to help sail back to Massachusets. That completes nine voyages to the Virgin Islands plus one to Panama since 1987.

The schooner is in great shape after several refits. The most recent included a completely new engine room, new wiring, a new cap rail and two additional watertight bulkheads.

It sounds like you are doing well and enjoying the water some with your family. Congratulations! I hope you get the chance to visit for one of the alumni reunions - it would be fun to do some catching up.
At 3:46pm on April 7, 2008, Dan Zinsmeyer said…
How are you? Found the site last week, I hope Spring In Marion is treating you & your family well. I am living in Seattle, with my family ( 3 daughters 5yr,4yr 23mo)) try to get out on the water frequently, hard with little ones but they love "Water Dog" which does make it easier.

I will try to dig up some old pictures form the mid 80's...

Dan Zinsmeyer
At 10:19am on January 17, 2008, Matt Twomey '79 said…
Hello Cap:
I'm back from password hell! I was locked out for about 5 months, but I am resting dockside in NJ aboard the USNS SUPPLY T-AOE 6, having completed my second deployment to the Middle East in the last year. I returned to Sandy Hook on Dec. 19th and raced up to Boston to see my children breifly. Instead of flying a holiday flag as I rounded Sandy Hook, I dug out a battle flag that must have been 15 years old. It is 20 by 38 feet and looks great in a 15 knot wind, as long as you have a few guys tend her so that she will not get caught in the stacks and catch on fire! Balancing practical considerations like that, with US Navy rules is always a scream on the bridge. Best Wishes, Matt Twomey
At 1:02am on December 24, 2007, Chris Henry said…
Hey Cap! Glad you're finally on this---seemed weird without you.



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