The Tabor Boy Project

For those of you who thought my story of the turtle was a one time event, well NOT SO FAST, Jamie H and I picked this story up over the weekend.

It seams a certain New York City artist has taken it upon himself to build another replica of the Revolutionary War TURTLE submarine and this time tried to DRIFT his way down a famous NYC river only to end up surrounded by the ever vigilant NYC Marine Police who were not to keen on this lool-a-like home made floating drifting bomb threat to the new QE2 moored in Brooklyn, NY.

See the story at:

You just never know what people will do with history's symbols do you?.

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Comment by R.C.Glover III on August 8, 2007 at 1:20pm
No PFD's, No Waste Management Policy, No crew training! man o man!
Comment by Peter A. Mello on August 8, 2007 at 1:14pm
Not safe to sail. No flares, no lights, no REGISTRATION!"



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