The Tabor Boy Project

Back in the day I was blessed to go on a spring cruise to the Bahamas on the Tabor Boy. Unlike most of you on this site I wasn't smart enough at the time to join the crew. I was a 'paying visitor". BUT after some 50 years that trip still is one of my fondest memories.

I didn't know crap about sailing but Cpt Glasier still had each of stand watch, take a shift at the helm, climb the rigging and generally try to not get in the way of you real sailors.

I'll never forget our entrance into Nassau harbor. At that time Tabor was a quasi military academy and we all had dress blues, officer's caps..the whole nine yards. Capt had us in our dress blues, standing in the rigging and accross the yard arms. WE STOPPED TRAFFIC.

Great, memories.

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Comment by Peter A. Mello on May 4, 2007 at 7:11pm
Hi David,
The unique thing about sail training, is that there are no passengers aboard the vessel; you were a member of the crew and not a "paying visitor."

What this project is confirming to me is that the experience can be life changing regardless of the duration.

Thanks for contributing to The Tabor Boy Project and please share a few more stories when you get a chance.



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